Prescott Phillips
I am Prescott, I kick ass, period
A Volkswagen Podcast with two VW enthusiasts from the Midwest. Prescott Phillips is the author of VW Air-cooled Engine: How to Rebuild, long time drag racer with Underdog racing, and performance engines and transmission builder. Sean Smith is a long time mechanic and rescuer of all things rusty. Together the two discuss the culture and history surrounding Volkswagen. They will have weekly guest come on the show to share their stories about racing, driving, and rebuilding Volkswagens throughout the years.
I am Prescott, I kick ass, period
Wisconsin born and raised, Veteran Mechanic with the Wisconsin ARMY Nation Guard. I am a huge car enthusiast, I call myself a rescuer of rust, I do my best to bring vehicles back from deaths door. I have always been a history buff, I like to hear the stories from the past and share them with others, which is part of my drive to preserve the history of the Volkswagen scene old and new.